Real Live Action

Some Thoughts on Live-Streaming Music

As COVID-19 and the public health guidelines in response are sweeping through nearly every aspect of society, people (privileged enough to have the means to…

Under Review

Colin Scott Ruloff

It’s always strange to hear what kind of music the people you grew up with end up making. For two people whose upbringings were essentially…


Whess Harman

Harman, from the Carrier Wit’at Nation, and currently living and working in Coast Salish territories in Vancouver, effortlessly weaves punk aesthetics and ethos into their…

Real Live Action

Noise Complaint Launch Party

Marking the launch of Noise Complaint, CiTR’s newest music podcast, a small but dedicated group of local music lovers assembled at the Avant-Garden to celebrate….

Real Live Action

Ponderosa 2018

At its most extreme, summer in Vancouver can reach just beyond a comfortable heat. Rain disappears for weeks at a time, lawns yellow and a…

Real Live Action

Shindig 33 Finals

On February 3, CITR 101.9FM and Discorder celebrated the end of the long and hard battle at Pat’s Pub. It was Shindig 33, and it…


Louise Burns On Young Mopes

“You’re allowed to be self-loathing and sad and confused. That’s what you do in your twenties,” says Louise Burns, prolific Vancouver singer-songwriter, about to release…

Real Live Action

Shindig Semi-Finals: Week #2

I wanted to crawl into a hole. With warm beer and brick walls, Pat’s Pub fulfilled these desires. As a result of these stupefying influences,…