We're Hiring Again!


hiring!Want to work at CiTR or Discorder Magazine?

We’ve extended the deadline for the Discorder Editor position – plan and edit the content of our monthly music, art and culture magazine! Lead a team of editors, writers, artists and photographers! Read the job posting, and apply by Sunday, May 24.
We’re also hiring a spoken word coordinator! This person will work with all programmers to improve the spoken word skills and quality of spoken word programming on our airwaves. Read the job posting and apply by Sunday, May 24th.
And we’re also looking for a new web editor for Discorder magazine! This is a volunteer position, and involves curating our WordPress website. They will coordinate with Discorder’s Editor, Art Director and CiTR’s Advertising Coordinator to upload each new issues content to the Discorder website. Check out the job posting and apply by Friday May 20.