
Hot Head

City of Vancouver, Are You Ready To Listen?

Leigh Empress

You talk about wanting to enhance night culture and caring about what people have to say about it, but you are so far off. In April you gave us an online questionnaire to fill out on liquor policies with all the wrong questions, and then only two opportunities to voice our concerns in-person at daytime farmers markets. You think the people who are really affected by the current laws around nightlife events, liquor policies, late night transit and infrastructure, and venue policies are going to be shopping for kale and kombucha at 10am-2pm? Ummmm, no. You have been asking all the wrong questions in all the wrong ways. If you really want to know the problems around liquor policies and/or venues in Vancouver, contact the people who read publications like Discorder: ask the people who feel forced to go to illegal venues to enjoy their music, ask places like Red Gate and VAL, but be prepared to listen this time. Actually. But you know what would be a great first gesture of faith towards this community? Give the Lido their patio. Seriously, it’s about time. If you think a bunch of psych-loving craft beer-drinkers are gonna make for a roudier scene than a patio on Granville Street, you are even more off base than I thought.


Hot Head is for people to voice praise or concerns about Discorder and / or the community we serve. If you want to contribute a Hot Head, email your piece to indicating whether or not you want to be anonymous. You can also hand-deliver or mail letters to CiTR addressed to the Editor-In-Chief of Discorder. Note: whether or not Hot Head entries are published in the print magazine are fully dependant on space.