Under Review

Murky Colors

“The film, Murky Colors, is based on a made-for-hollywood spy novel by Menjin Wei, Wei’s father. It is not, by any measure, a conventional adaptation, however, it begins to chart the poetics of one.”


Destroy Vancouver XVIII

I think it’s important to think about how this project started — the name “Destroy Vancouver” was about “protesting” what was happening in the city, the closing down of spaces where you could really experiment with noise or other genres.


art rock?

“Art and rock… those two words are so vague and I want to keep pushing against the former night… I want to continue to evolve it with every performance.”


Vancouver's Waste-Makers

On a sunny Sunday afternoon in mid-April, I arrived at the Strathcona store-front apartment of Mark Richardson, one of the main Music Waste festival organizers,…