
Hot Head is a feedback, rant/rave section dedicated to your unedited reflections on the Vancouver arts/music/social scene. If you have thoughts or comments about a specific event, something you heard on CiTR 101.9FM, something you read in Discorder Magazine, or a topic that relates to our readership, send it to us.


The Woodward’s Amateur Historical Society is looking for stories from:

  • the now defunct W2 venue space in Woodward’s
  • the old Red Gate space on the 100 block of West Hastings
  • Studios and galleries surrounding Woodward’s dating from the early 90’s up till 2002

We want to hear from you. Please reach out:



If I have to listen to one more art bro whine about how hard it’s been for him to accept the news about Louis CK…

If I have to listen to one more journalist talk about how afraid he is of being called out for some of the things he’s done to women…

If I have to listen to one more person talk about Lena Dunham as though she’s not the epitome of privileged white hipster racist idiocy…

If I have to hear one more person bemoan the art that will be lost now that Kevin Spacey has been outed…

If I have to listen to one more person talk about how survivors should have come forward sooner to prevent more assault…

If I have to navigate one more institution that claims it’s “hands are tied” because they don’t have the right kind of evidence to act on an accusation of assault…


As though identifying with a predator deserves to be mourned publicly.

As though fear of being named should trump empathy for the people you have wronged.

As though white feminism is legitimate.

As though the lost art of survivors isn’t the bigger loss.

As though survivors are the ones who should do the work to prevent assault.  

As if there is nothing you can do besides press charges.


Why did it take a tally of predator’s names the length of my arm to make people realize that the “rumour mill” is simply a spy network of true pain that women use to protect each other against predators?

If you were shocked by #metoo, you are part of the problem. You were not listening. We have been whispering, writing, organizing, and screaming about this violence forever. You needed to see our trauma splattered across your phones and laptops like porn ads before you started to “get” it.

How many parties have I been to in the last month where men in my community came up to me and were suddenly eager to talk about abuse because the salacious details were fresh in their minds and they just needed to process without considering I am a survivor too?

Please remember the list is incomplete. To quote Lindy West, “This is a witch hunt. I’m a witch, and I am hunting you.”

In solidarity,




Seriously, you don’t need a puppy. Why have a dog when you work 8 hours a day and have to keep them locked in your house that whole time? Do you realize how fucking cruel that is?! Owning a dog when you don’t have time to let them run and play outside and socialize with other dogs is selfish. Dogs, or any pet for that matter, don’t exist to be your accessories, or some like-booster on your Instagram. Get a tamagotchi or download a fucking pokemon app instead. Poop Scooper



Email Hot Head submissions to with “HOT HEAD” in the subject line. If you wish to submit anonymously, you can indicate it in the email or send your feedback through an anonymous email website.

By submitting to Hot Head you are consenting to having your words published in the magazine and online.