CiTR presents: Chocolate Milk Thursdays at Shine


Hey CiTR-universe!

Don’t forget that we’re sponsoring Chocolate Milk at the Backroom of Shine Nightclub, every Thursday night! Catch some cool tunes, including retro dance and RnB, and get your dance on.

New member benefit: After 11pm, members get 2 for 1 and major line skippage when they show their CiTR card. ChocMilk is free before 11pm, $5 after 11 for nonmembers.

Also, don’t miss dancefloor diva CeCe Peniston on Thursday August 2nd as part of Vancouver Pride, brought to you by Chocolate Milk, V-Rag, and CiTR! Tickets $40 on eventbrite or at Little Sisters.