The City Episode March 12, 2013

Author and Comedian Charlie Demers: Vancouver, Best Place on Earth?

5:00pm - 5:59pm

In 2011, to mark Vancouver’s 125th anniversary, the Simon Fraser University Department of History hosted a lecture series, Think You Know Vancouver? Think Again. On January 27th, 2011, local authors Matt Hern and Charlie Demers gave short talks to address the question: Vancouver: The Best Place on Earth? and in turn provided a critical take on Vancouver, its history or perceived lack of history, and why we need to think about Vancouver with a bit more honesty.

We hear from Charlie Demers in the first half of this talk. We’ll be broadcasting the second half, featuring Matt Hern, at a later date. Charlie Demers is an author, comedian, local activist, and a regular performer on CBC’s The Debaters. Thank you to the SFU History Department for permission to broadcast this content.

Track Listing:

What are your influences?
Apollo Ghosts · Landmarks
Sleeping Ute
Grizzly Bear · Shields
The Queen of Vancouver Island
Carolyn Mark · The Queen of Vancouver Island
Kelen Ati Leen
The Souljazz Orchestra · Solidarity