Special Broadcast Episode May 17, 2018

Access Day 2018 - Inclusion of the Underrepresented: The Beginning of Diverse Ability in Media

12:00pm - 12:58pm

Inclusion of the Underrepresented: The Beginning of Diverse Ability in Media by Deepi Leihl from 2015's UBC Centennial Radio Documentary Series.

"Inclusion of the Underrepresented: The Beginning of Diverse-Ability in Media" follows the story of three radio producers who use CiTR 101.9FM to make radio about accessibility and disability. We mix snippets from a 1985 radio piece made for CiTR, “Media Effects on Youth - Youth Focus Doc” into the narrative. We use these snippets to delve into the impact the production and consumption of media has on people with disabilities. Deepi, has a rare disability called Metatropic Dwarfism. Mollie and Katie, both UBC students, produce a weekly show called, All Access Pass. We explore what brought these producers to where they are, and the impact they have been able to make through CiTR, as well as the impact their experiences have had on them.