Special Broadcast Episode January 18, 2017

24 Hours of Radio Art: Absolute Value of Noise + Gívan Belá – Luminiferous Noise Machine - 5:20AM-∞

5:20am - 6:20am

From the vales of Kra Land to the mountain peaks of Lotus Land, two horn players simulate the sounds of the airways that stretch in between. With cornet and pocket trumpet they create odd tunings of radio waves, the sound of angels bouncing off the stratosphere, and the noise of birds circling among the clouds. This generative performance will be streamed from Jan 16th-18th. Find the full stream for Luminiferous Noise Machine here: http://absolutevalueofnoise.ca/2017_luminiferous/index.html

Track Listing:

Luminiferous Noise Machine
Absolute Value of Noise + Gívan Belá · Luminiferous Noise Machine