Seeking Office Episode February 15, 2019

Two Perspectives on Rental 100

3:00pm - 4:00pm

From CiTR's News Collective, this is season two of Seeking Office—At-Large. Bringing you innovative storytelling from Metro Vancouver.

Since the 1960s, the development of rental housing in Vancouver has been in decline. Vancouver's Rental 100 policy is a response to that decline. Since its implementation in 2012 there has been a notable increase in purpose-build rental housing in the City. But renter advocates are divided on its effectiveness at making Vancouver more livable for tenants. Sara Sagii of the Vancouver Tenants Union and Karen Sawatzky, former Chair of the City's Renter Advisory Committee, both give perspective on the policy.

*** Correction: City Council has referred discussion and decision on Councillor Carr's motion to change Vancouver’s housing by-laws to February 26. It has not yet passed***