Queer FM Arts Xtra Episode March 6, 2012
QueerFM Arts Xtra: DeLuxiousness
9:30am - 10:36am
It's DeLux! DJ Lisa DeLux...are we have her on the show for one hour of DeLuxiousness! We talk about DJ stories, reminiscece about Vancouver clubs of past, and talk about the School of Re-Mix...and that's just for starters!
QueerFM Arts Xtra is ON...and it's gonna be good.
Aedan Saint and DJ Lisa DeLux step in for Barb Snelgrove and talk VanBag events as well as preview David C. Jones' Odd Couple as well. Add generous portions of beats, offbeats, and sh^t from left field, top it off with a healthy dose of DeLux MIX playlist du jour, and a little WTF?!? ....and you've got yourself another QueerFM Arts Cocktail - served straight up. No apologies... ;)
All this and more on QueerFM Arts Xtra - sponsored by The FALL Tattoo - Vancouver! <3
CiTR - Joyce
CiTR - Rosie
Daft Punk - Derezzed
CiTR - Sponsor THE FALL Tattoo
Intro - Aedan Saint & DJ Lisa DeLuxe
Interview - DJ Lisa DeLuxe
CiTR - Charts
DJ Lisa DeLuxe - Party Monster Mix
Interview 2 - DJ Lisa DeLuxe
CiTR - Station ID
Barb Snelgrove's VanBag
CiTR - Friends of CiTR - Commercial
Maroon 5 w/Travie McCoy - Stereo Hearts
Interview 3 - DJ Lisa DeLuxe
DJ Lisa DeLuxe - Party Monster Mix 2
Two shows, MANY Locations, ALL QueerFM - with PRIDE! QueerFM. We're not sorry. You're welcome.
QueerFM broadcasts on CiTR 101.9FM Vancouver EVERY Sunday 6-8PM and QueerFM Arts Xtra - Tuesday mornings 9:30-10:30AM!
Get our weekly updates and LOTS of cool at:
NOTE: Be on the lookout...for QueerFM HAWAII!!