OutDoor Pursuits Episode November 9, 2023

Jan and Dan's Whister Patrol Pursuits

7:59am - 8:52am

A chat with Jan Tindle, retired Whistler avalanche forecaster and ski patroller, and Dan Davis, current ski patroller, reveals the trials of working with people often having their worst days. True heros, these two tell stories about rescues, throwing bombs out of helicopters, and the paths they took to get paid to ski. All this and two ditties to start your morning right. Get ready for the season with some new knowledge of the hills that surround us!
Dan would like to acknowledge that the job of 15 years is only possible because of the support and backing of his wonderful, talented, atheletic and lovely wife. She took care of kids and business while he does the hero business.

Track Listing:

All Along the Watchtower
Jimi Hendrix · The Jimi Hendrix Experience
Baja Waltz
Rio Samaya Band · Live What U Love