End Of The World News Episode October 18, 2007

Broadcast on 18-Oct-2007

8:00am - 10:00am

Common, Guru, Darko, Spank Rock, Beirut Boogie

Putin in Iran tightens up the Caspian, Corn Ethanol, Bribing Prince Bandar, Spiritual solutions to political problems

Track Listing:

the police and the private
metric · wake up - uncut
driving me wild
common · finding forever
They call me Mr Tibbs
king britt · cinematic
some like it hot
MNO · cinematic
far away
john carpenter · booka shades DJ Kicks
stand up
Guru · jazzmatazz 4
Alberto Balsam
Aphex Twin · booka shades DJ kicks
happiness is a warm gun
bend sinister · cbc radio 3 breaking new sounds
misguided missile
high deafinition · cbc radio 3 breaking new sounds
poorfolk · cbc radio 3 breaking new sounds
midnight coward
stars · in our bedroom after the war
the art of walking
blockhead · spank rock - darko mix
bay elephant in thanos
baby elephant · turn my teeth up