Chips n Dip Episode August 7, 2014

Chips n Dip Aug 7

1:00pm - 2:00pm

selina crammond of shoutback festival discussing the importance of a queer, anti capitalist, and feminist festival

Track Listing:

margy pepper · deep water dark water
welfare wednesday
toilet heart · plan s
katie and the lichen · yours truely
what is time
filthy liars · if all else fails (cry and cry again)
fakes · fakes harsh reality MLC split
underpass · assimilation
candy +cigarettes
lisa prank · crush on the world
boom boom boom
fleatbite · i want you in my room
climb higher
teeh tahs · buzzkill
rivkah's table
boyspit · everyone is cool
season in hell
mexican slang · inside the velvet castle sessions