We hope you’re ready to get swept off your feet, because ? ???????? ???? ? is here! Broadcast your love for CiTR & Discorder Magazine from Fenruary 2-9. It’s that time of year again where we humbly ask our community to support us, and this year we are aiming to raise $20,000 to support the purchase of a brand new Radio Transmitter to boost our signal strength and fidelity!
Join our Kickoff on Thursday Feb 2, 2023 ☀︎︎ 7:30PM ☀︎︎ @ CiTR Station ☀︎ $︎︎5 At Door ☀︎ All Ages
We are so excited to host an in-person Kickoff this year (first time since the pandemic started ?) ? If you enjoyed Hideout I at the station back in Nov, then you’re going to love what we have in store for you this time.
And what better way to conclude the love story of a lifetime than with a classic final bash at the Red Gate ??
Thursday, February 9, 2023 ☀︎ 8PM ☀︎ @ The Red Gate ☀︎ $10 At Door ☀︎ All Ages
We want to close it out with an appreciation party with all of you, a celebration, the Fundrive Finale ~