Career FastTrack Episode March 17, 2008

6 Step Career Management System: Steps 1-3

5:30am - 6:00am

Basically, I only receive two questions regarding career.

1. How do I figure out what I want
2. How do I get what I want

The beauty of the 6 Step Career Management System is that it answers both questions. WHAT A LIFESAVER!!

And so, Steps 1-4 are all about figuring out what you want and Steps 5 and 6 are getting what you want.

Todays show talked about Step 1: Your Passions, Step 2: Market Match and Step 3: Next Step.

You'll love them and I promise you they will build hope a new found hope in your life and provide you with a clear and simple next step.


Next week: Step 4-6. CAN'T WAIT!!