Breakfast With The Browns Episode February 12, 2018

In memory of Johann Johannson....

9:10am - 10:59am

Johann Johannsson; Sontag Shogun; Secret Pyramid; Valiska; SubtractiveLad; Connect_icut; Building Castles out of Matchsticks; White Poppy; Efrim Manuel Menuck; Lea Bertucci & Colin Stetson

Track Listing:

an injury to one is a concern to all
johann johannsson · miner's hymns
tu non mi perderai mai
johann johannsson · touch 25
hungarian wheat
sontag shogun · tale
secret pyramid · two shadows collide
heavy riser
valiska · on pause
first blush
subtractivelad · ellipsis
winter song
connect_icut · moss
the chrisalids
building castles out of matchsticks · n..a.
midnight sun
white poppy · natural phenomena
a lamb in the land of payday loans
efrim manuel menuck · pissing stars
patterns for alto
lea bertucci · metal aether
all this i do for glory
colin stetson · all this i do for glory