Take Discorder’s Readership Survey +win!


It’s been a while since we’ve talked—you know, really heart-to-heart—about how you feel about us. Especially with February being the season of lovers and all, we want to know where we’re at.

Love us? Hate us? Let us know by taking our annual Readership Survey here.

The survey only takes 5 minutes of your time, but your comments will help define Discorder through 2017.

Those who take the survey will have the option of entering a draw for CiTR + Discorder merch, including t-shirts (like the one pictured below), growlers and more.

keagan and discordia
Keagan is the proud owner of a Discorder Discordia t-shirt

Have we convinced you to take our survey yet? Good. Here’s the link again:

Click here to take the Readership Survey!

(Survey closes February 28)