Bepi Crespan Presents… 22 February 2019 Broadcast Preview


CITR’s 24 Hours of Radio Art in a snack sized format. Dark Ambient. Drone. Field Recordings. Noise. Sound Art. Or something.

A pre-Fundrive 2019 and pre-International Women’s Day extravaganza featuring a cross-section of artists you’ll hear on my programs on either (or both!) of those days.  Lots of Canadian music too!  Highlights include: Julia Kent, Mark Hjorthoy, Meat Hands, Romina Di Gasbarro, Nardwuar The Human Serviette-Approved Boar God, Sound Ceremony, The Empty Page, plus hippie poet Bill Bissett and his fellow Vancouver freaks’ 1968 Awake In Th’ Red Desert LP and recently reissued Images in Vogue.

Starting at 2 PM Pacific on CITR FM 101.9, streaming at PLAYER.CITR.CA

Historical playlists / podcasts >–BepiCrespanPresents